Thursday, September 17, 2009

Creative God

Two weeks ago I was in Yellowstone National Park. I had the unbelievable opportunity to worship and pray in the wondrous beauty of God's creation. As I sat on a fallen tree and looked down at the forest floor, I could identify literally hundreds of colors in this small 5'x5' area.

The Holy Spirit reminded me. All Creativity comes from God. HE is the source. Often I think of the cool things I have made or done and I was just struck with the fact that he put those ideas in my head; and, everything we create is a mere imitation of what The Creator has already done. These thoughts brought up a few new points that I had not considered previously:

If we claim to worship this completely creative God, why do we get stuck in just a few methods of worshiping Him, and defend them as if they were sacred? Wouldn't this God who is the Creator and source of all creativity recognize these offerings of creative worship that we bring?

God declares that all creation waits for the day when it will be renewed to its full glory. This means that God has even more creativity stored up for the beauty of this earth. So much glory and creativity we can scarcely imagine how glorious it will be.

Since God is the source of all creativity. If we pray for God to pour out a tiny amount of His creativity on us, we could create completely unique ways of telling His story and worshiping Him. All for the glory of God.

In what ways are you tapping into God's creative potential for His glory?

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