Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reflections on "Revolution in World Missions" by K.P. Yohannan

Wow what an incredible book! Its on the must read list for me. One that is so good you don't want to put it down, but at the same time very challenging of the things we have accepted as the norm in the American Church.

The mission that Gospel For Asia is doing is absolutely life changing for hundreds of thousands of people around the world. They are the publisher of this book and are so missionally minded that they give this book away completely FREE! You can get a copy here. If you request it, please read it, because although it is free to you, it does cost them money to produce and ship it.

I am going to put some of what I felt the most impactful statements of the book are below.

Once again, I highly encourage you to read it.

"If all your[a believers] concern is about your own life, your job, your clothes, your children's good clothes, healthy bodies, a good education, a good job and marriage, then your concerns are NO DIFFERENT from someone who is lost in Bhutan, Myanmar or India."

"For some reason, Americans seemed to have a need to surround themselves with noise all the time... Why do they always have to be either entertained or entertaining? It was as if they were trying to escape from a guilt they had not yet defined or even identified."

"God did not shower such great blessing on this nation for the Christians to live in extravagance, self-indulgance and spiritual weakness."

"Unless there is repentanc among Christians--Individually and in concert as a community of believers--an awesome judgement will fall on America."

"...Every Christian needs to ask himself:

Why do you think God has allowed you to be born in North America or Europe rather than among the poor of Africa or Asia and to be blessed with such material and spiritual abundance?

In light of the superabundance you enjoy here, what do you think is your minimal responsibility to the untold millions of lost and suffering in the Two-Thirds World?"

"Why did Eve fall into sin? Because she did not truly believe in the judgment--that death would come if she ate...This is the same reason many continue in lives of sin and disobedience."

"Our priority must again be placed on calling men to repentance and snatching them from hell-fire...If we are not willing to plead in prayer for a mission revolution--and let it start in our own personal lives, homes and churches--we will lose this generation to Satan."

"...we must keep supreme the priority of sharing the message of salvation with them--and we must never minister to the physical needs at the expenseof preaching Christ."

"You have to evaluate how you spend every dollar and everything else you do in the light of eternity."

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